Sign up for the Finnish Padel Federation's competitions - week 6-7/2025

Posted by Padelution

Last chance to sign up for these Finnish Padel Federation's competitions!

The registration period for these Finnish Padel Federation's competitions is closing soon! You still have time to enroll, so call your playing partner and join the hunt for success. Below you will find a list of tournaments whose registration period is about to close. Also, remember that spots may be filled on a first-come, first-served basis!

Upcoming competitions and registration deadlines:

Kansalliset kilpailut Sulpadel Haparanda/Tornio
05.02.2025 12:00 ∙ Haparanda/Tornio MDMCNDNC

Padel Rocksin Senioreiden naiset 40- ja 50- ja miehet 45- ja 55-luokka Espoossa 15.-16.2.2025
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Espoo M45M55N40N50

Kansalliset kilpailut Kuopio Padel Sawo
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Kuopio MBMCMDP12P14P16NBNCND

Pampas Padel kansalliset kilpailut 15-16.2
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Pietarsaari NENDMEMD

💎 Yksipäiväiset kansalliset 💎
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Porvoo NC2NB2MB2MC2

Kansalliset Kilpailut, Seinäjoki x OmaSp Stadion K-40 Bileet!
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Seinäjoki MDMENDNE

RepaDel x Oxdog Kansalliset kilpailut 15-16.2 M&N C,D,E
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Tampere MCMDMENCNDNE

Kansalliset kilpailut, Vantaa
05.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Vantaa MCMDMENCNDNE

Kansalliset Kilpailut, Espoo
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Espoo MCMDMENCNDNE

Kansalliset kilpailut Hyvinkää
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Hausjärvi MCMDNCND

Lahen kansalliset 21.-23.2. Padel Lahti
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Lahti MCMDNCNDP18P16P14P12T18T16T14T12

Kansalliset kilpailut, Champions Padel, Pori
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Pori MDMENDNE

Kansalliset kilpailut / Padel or Die!
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Seinäjoki NCNDNEMCMDME

Kansalliset kilpailut | Padel Tampere 21.2 - 23.2.2025 A2 | C | D | E
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Tampere MA2MCMDMENA2NCNDNE

Kansalliset kisat 21.-23.2.2025/ Boost Sports Club
12.02.2025 21:00 ∙ Turku MB2MC2MDNB2NC2ND

If you have any questions about the competitions, please contact the event organizer. More information and contact details can be found on the respective event's page.

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